"Want to go down to the vending machine? I got you a present!"
Wei Wuxian doesn't seem to find arms on shoulders to be remarkable or interesting in any way, particularly compared to diagrams about magical theory!
"We should really have a magical theory class. I bet that's going to be way more useful than Romance of the Three Kingdoms."
"Maybe it's to motivate the students?" Chu Chu has maybe a skewed view of how teens feel about school work.
"Like, we're never going to learn about military history unless it's the only way to get spells to set mals on fire?"
"I like military history, si-mei, but I have to say I'm much more motivated to learn how to set mals on fire."
"Thank you?" Aaaaaaaaaa, why does he have to be dangerously charming? She made PROMISES.
"Awww, you're all flustered. I'm going to have to compliment you more so you get used to it."
"Si-mei knows so many interesting horrifying facts, and is very good at adjusting to the Scholomance for a mundie, and has an adorable nose, and caught on to magical theory stuff quickly, and would probably be very nice to my pet cockroaches."
...She picks the one thread she is qualified to comment on (and could also say things without dying of embarassment with her face in her hands). "I can't be mean to the cockroaches, that would be unfair."
"Whether they're gross or not, you shouldn't be mean to things. --Not that I think they're that gross."
"Zaizai has dung beetles! They're cool too even though they make his room smell like shit."
"That would also work. --And would be pretty efficient. He wouldn't need to save any of his food."
The logistics of raising dung beetles in a closed system: not something she ever thought she'd need to think about.