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Rebecca, Orion, Adam, Riley, Kevin A.
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Orion lives in America, so learning history about it at least makes more sense than learning about ancient Egypt, which it is his television-derived impression that most kids spend a weird amount of time on in mundie school. The desks here are the kind that lift up to reveal a compartment underneath and before he sits down he is going to open ALL of them and leave them propped up so nobody has to be scared. This process only nets him one small nest of mouse-wasps-with-fish-fins, and they smell pretty bad once toasted, so he sits over on the far end near the... radiator. Why is there a radiator? The radiator does... not have any mals in it. Yet. Maybe next time.

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"Hi Orion!" says Rebecca, when she comes in. She sits next to him.


"Hi..." Rachel? Rhonda? Jessica? What the heck is her name. "there!"

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