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Yvette in Swansong
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"I did get that impression, yes! Thank you for it."


Hug. Contented sigh.



"So, another woman you don't want to torture!" She attempts to not think about what he'd been looking for down there and fails. "What's she like?"


"Sort of annoying at first, actually. But in a charming way. And then she stopped being annoying but kept being charming."


"Annoying in a charming way. I - have absolutely no idea how one would manage that. I suppose I'd have to meet her. But I'm glad she stopped being annoying?"


"She's interesting, and I like her, but she's less - I don't know - understandable than you are?"


"So what you're saying is, I'm your favorite, and I shouldn't work my way into jealousy at the thought of you bringing another woman to the castle."

There is clearly no part of this sentence that is serious.


He laughs. "I hope you're not the jealous type."



"I think if I were I would be in a bit of trouble, considering. I won't pretend to be comfortable about - everything - but I'm not jealous. Maybe there are circumstances where I could be? I acknowledge the possibility. Just. I really don't think our - whatever this is - is a circumstance where I'm going to get jealous. And if I did, I'd want to sit down and talk through it instead of - what do normal people do? Get into a fight about it? That sounds exhausting."


"Well, that's convenient," he says, hugging her some more. "Because - leaving aside the 'everything' - I really don't think I have it in me to be faithful. Have I mentioned I appreciate you very much?"


"I might have heard it somewhere!" She leans up to briefly kiss him. "I mean, I'd be upset if I felt I was being ignored in favor of someone else. Or, like, if I wasn't sure where I stood with you and felt like I was - a toy to be tossed aside, maybe? But I don't feel like I'm being ignored, and I don't feel like I'm being used. So."


He smiles. He kisses her forehead. "You're very sensible."


"Have you only noticed just now?" she teases.


He giggles.


"Because I thought I was being pretty obvious about what kind of person I was! I'd be annoyed to learn I was wrong about that!"


"Oh, trust me, you definitely have. I feel like I know you amazingly well even after just a few days."


"Really? I wouldn't have expected that far. I'm not complaining or anything, just. I didn't realize I presented myself that strongly."


"Well, I have some practice reading people, but it's not just that. You're very... straightforward."


He laughs and hugs her. "Who, me?"


"Yes, you! You can't just call a woman sensible and straightforward and expect me to not call it flattery!"


"But it's true!"


"True things can be flattery, too! You've called me beautiful before, are you going to say that wasn't true?"


"Of course not. You're beautiful and sensible and straightforward and charming and attractive and sweet and scholarly and organized."



Well now she has to kiss him.

So she does that. Smiling into the kiss.

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