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Yvette in Swansong
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"Sorry to hear it," he says with genuine sympathy. "May I ask your name?"


"Tysathra Nivades," she says, with a masterfully executed curtsy. "No title."


"A pleasure to meet you. Want to see my castle? It's very pretty."


"I believe that I would be delighted."


And then they're in the wind, and then they're circling a beautiful castle, and then they're standing on a tower with a lovely view of the gardens all around and the lake to the east.


Tysathra looks at the visage and sighs like she's in love. Perhaps she is. With the mountain, not the lord of it.


Awwww. It's very sweet.



"What is it like," she wonders, still a little lost in the view, "to have the power to make this at your fingertips? To be able to live life like you're walking through a lucid dream."


He smiles.

"It's amazing," he says. "It's like being a god."


"It sounds it," she sighs, a little longingly. "I'd be almost tempted to do the same, for such power..." She trails off, and looks very sad. "But nevermind."




"I suppose you can't resurrect the dead."


"I've never actually tried."



"Would you be willing to?"


"I don't see why not. Who do you want brought back?"



"My parents."



"I'm sorry," he murmurs.


She doesn't know what to do with the sympathy. Instead, she distracts herself with looking at pretty scenery. So she doesn't cry. Why does hope hurt almost as much as the loss itself?

"Yes, well. What do you want in exchange?" she murmurs.


"Nothing in particular. Consider it a favour."


She doesn't know what to do with this, either.


".... okay."


...he feels a bit out of his depth. If this were Lady Rivethira, he could just ask how to comfort her, but he doesn't even know Tysathra well enough to know if she wants to be comforted.

Speaking of Lady Rivethira, what's she doing right now?


Swearing at Ansati vocabulary. Very quietly.


He materializes a note on the table in front of her:

I went looking for another swan and instead I found another girl I don't want to torture. She asked if I can resurrect the dead, I said I've never done it but I'd be happy to try, and now she looks like she's about to cry. I feel very out of my depth. I don't suppose you have any advice?

She blinks at the note, looks around for where she put her pen, then - recalls that he can just hear her if she speaks, and feels a bit silly.

"I'd have to talk to her to really give any decent advice, people handle these things very differently, but - I think calm and gentle professionalism while working towards resurrecting whoever she wants to resurrect would be most applicable. Skip over technical aspects if she doesn't seem to want them and uh, I think it's a safe bet to let her have some space." She considers. "Hug her if she takes after me and flings herself at you to cry on you, maybe." Pause. "You heard all of that, right, even though I didn't actually say your name?"

The note gains a postscript:
Yes. Thank you.

"It's going to take me a few days to figure out my approach," he says. "Do you want to stay here in the meantime? I have an absolutely outrageous number of guest rooms and very few guests to fill them with."
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