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Yvette in Swansong
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"Okay, good. Happy to help." Pause. "..... When you're free I'd like to hug you. Just, you know. For future reference."

And then it's back to Ansati vocabulary for Lady Rivethira.


"I don't see any reason not to," she shrugs. It looks like she's recovering quickly from her near crying episode. "Did the castle seem too small without the absurd number of guest rooms, or?"


"No, I just really like decorating them."


Tysathra snorts a little, amused.

"As good a reason as any. Are there any you're particularly proud of?"


"Yes, actually!" He offers her his hand. "Bit of a walk from here, but luckily, we don't have to walk."


She takes the offered hand.

"Does it count as luck when the reason we don't have to walk is the reason there are so many guest rooms in such far away locations?"


He laughs. "You have a point there."

And they flow through the halls of his beautiful castle as a gust of wind. Down around the outside of the tower, in a window, through some hallways, down the open centre of a gorgeous spiral stair, across the third floor of the library, through some more hallways, into a huge ballroom with a magelit chandelier almost the size of a small house, up onto the balcony spanning the far end of the room and through the open double doors into a stunningly lovely suite. A little on the ornate side, maybe - lots of gold and jewels in places that did not strictly need gold or jewels - but beautiful.


Another adoring sigh.

"You're very good at decorating, no wonder you made a hobby of it. I hope you won't take offense if I want to look around to be sure of which I want?"


"Not at all."


"Excellent, then I believe I'd like to explore. Is there anything you'd prefer I avoid?"


"The northwest wing belongs to my daughter; please don't enter it uninvited. The village by the lake can be dangerous and I don't recommend you visit it. I have one other guest; her room is near the library and I assume she would be annoyed if you stole it. Besides that, feel free to go where you like. If you sit at the table in any of the dining rooms, food will appear."


"I'll avoid letting myself starve," she agrees, and turns to go - then pauses.

"... Thank you," she adds, awkwardly, like the words are strange and foreign to her.


He smiles. "You're welcome."


She smiles back, a little.

... And now, this is awkward, she wants to be alone to explore and think. She assumes he can find her if he wants her for something.

Off she goes, to explore.


And Tanaikon dissolves into the wind and goes looking for Rivethira.


Still in the library! She is no longer swearing quietly at vocabulary, instead she's meticulously writing out sentences in Ansati, muttering about grammar.


He appears a few feet away.


She takes a few seconds to notice, she's a little intense about her Ansati sentence construction. When she does notice, she smiles brightly at him.

"Hi! Here for your hug?"


He laughs and nods.


She puts down her pen, briefly arranges the papers into a neat stack, then stands, carefully tucks in her chair and -




He giggles helplessly while he hugs her.


She giggles, too.

"I hope my off the cuff advice helped at least a little?"


"It did. Thank you." Hug.


"Good!" Yes, hug, excellent. She can snuggle him.

(While she wasn't bored or particularly lonely throughout the day, she did kind of vaguely miss him.)


Hugs. Such hugs.

"I really appreciate you," he murmurs.

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