Edie is walking home from school. It's something she's done hundreds, thousands of times before. It's later than usual, but not really out of the ordinary--sometimes clubs let out late. It happens.
It's a perfectly safe route.
Most people don't have the potential to make wishes. Those people can't see me, or witches.
"But magical girls could tell them, right? ...How long have there been magical girls?"
"But the closest thing to legends we have about magical girls are anime...or, no, there's lots of legends that could be attributed to magical girls...if the phenomena of 'witches' has be been going on longer than recorded history, who decided that the English word 'witch' should be attached to it?"
Its etymological predecessors have been used for the species since Latin was spoken.
"Huh. Okay, who decided that the relevant Latin word should be attached to it?"
"That is way cooler than 'witch'. What does it mean to germanophones who aren't magical girls?"
"Hm. Are there any words for the phenomenon that don't mean 'witch'?"
"Okay this is probably all linguistically plausible. It still doesn't explain why this isn't common knowledge by now but what can you do. Um...I got sidetracked. Are there any facts about magical girls, witches, or magic in general that you can think I would plausibly want to know and haven't asked about yet?"
Magical girls can do magic relating to their wish more efficiently than girls with different wishes. I don't think your sister has enough to bring more people back from the dead but she might be good at healing.
"Definitely." Hugs hugs hugs.
...Eventually, though, Emily will dowse with her embaubled soul gem to find the nearest witch.