Oh look, a dick-measuring contest but with place names! She does not have her own place name to enter with. It is so sad.
Santa Barbara is either Florida or California. Maaaanchester, that sounds like it is in... Chicago. Jacksonville sounds like a dinky little Arizona town, but he probably wouldn't say it if it was? Unless he were really stupid? He doesn't look stupid, he's very sharply dressed.
"I got knives. Anastasia, and I volunteer my fingers for the five percent chance of getting bitten off," she says, stepping up to take point in front of the cupboards — waiting for people to crowd around so the risk is just a tiny bit more distributed.
Stasia— realizes a second late she doesn't know why she's sucking up. She's already admitted to herself she's chanceless, so she was planning to be as crass and unpleasant as possible without getting literally decked in the face. Except now she's orderly and eager and smiling. Apparently her reflexive social mask will just dip her into playing whatever role people are perceiving her as, uninterested in slowing down enough to ask for confirmation.
Wow, she's stupid.