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Nia introduces herself
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If only that stupid mal had attacked her family TOMORROW instead she would never find out about it unless somebody died. PROBABLY Mum and Dad will handle it. Ugh.

Nia needs to shake it off and make friends. Ideally enclaver friends. She marches up to the nearest knot of people hanging together like they already know each other, maybe they're enclavers. "Hi! I'm Nia, Notting Hill." If she says "London" that will maybe get the London enclave on her case.

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They are in fact probably enclavers, based on the power-sharers, though they don't look like a very large one at the moment.

The girl her age turns at the greeting (the tall boy had clocked her approach but not commented, busy talking to the other kid with them between sweeps of their surroundings), a smile ready on her face, "Hi, Nia! Angie Starr, Montréal," her English is lightly accented but clearly fluent, "Notting Hill... is that Britain?" 


"That's right, it's a neighborhood in London."


Her head turns part-way in the direction of the other two, before she continues, "I think Zed has relatives in London," she hmms, moves on, "Independent? What's your track? I'm Artificing, my yearmates are both Incantations." 


"Independent, yes! I am thinking to go into incantations."


"Creative or Languages? Zed is Languages, they have nine, Alex and I," she motions to the tall boy, "Only have five." And two of those only half-way acceptably, don't ask her to have a fast-paced conversation in Zulu. 


"Languages! I have three so far only but learning more is interesting."


"We're sort of spread around - Alex is Creative, he's got a combat affinity and a way with words, when they're written down, anyway," she shoots him a quick smile and he rolls his eyes at her, "Languages aren't really my strongest point, but I have quick fingers," hah, "And I love making jewelry," she tilts her head to show off her earrings, small but detailed gems winking from beneath silver spirals. These ones aren't hers - they're her aunt's work - but her other set are, and are nearly identical. 


"Those are very lovely!"


"Thank you!" For the compliment to her aunt.


Alex speaks up, apparently unable to let a misunderstanding go when he's paying attention, "Our aunt made those, but these are her work," he shrugs a shoulder, maybe drawing attention to his own, slightly less delicate-looking set.


"Yes, thanks, Alex," Angie sticks just the tip of her tongue out at him and then continues, "What languages are you thinking of going for? I think Zed said they were going to try learning a few more African ones." 


"I already speak Swahili from birth! And Spanish from school, and English from England. I do not know yet what would be best to add but I consider French and Hindi and Arabic."


 "Swahili isn't one of mine," Zed says, almost reluctantly, after a glance from Angie, "Though it's one I've been considering. I do recommend Arabic, though. It's widespread, I'm expecting a good variety of spells in it. But it's not an easy language to learn."

"Of course, personal bias pushes me to recommend French," Angie adds, more joking than serious. 


"What is it biasing you about French?"


"French-Canadian," she motions to herself and Alex, "Where we're from, you should learn French, though most of the anglophones don't. Also, it's a beautiful language, though of course most of them are." All the ones she's ever heard, which wasn't many, and of course not for long. "You should hear Alex's poetry, if you decide to learn it, of course." 

(Alex is unlucky to be pale enough that even his slight blush shows up pretty clearly.)


"Is it magic poetry or only beautiful poetry?"


She grins, "Six of this, half a dozen of the other, and some of it is less 'beautiful' than 'cheesy'." Look at that long-suffering older(?) brother, he has the look down. "He has a lot of sung spells, too. I have a few with dance components, but nothing like his fixation."


"I will consider French recommended!"


"If you have anything you feel up for trading if you decide to take it, you'll be welcome to make us an offer," Angie steps a little closer to Alex, patting his arm consolingly, "Alex will just have to live with his poetry spreading around." 


"I will see what the void bestows upon my requests."


Well, "Maybe we'll see you, then, or in classes if not. Good luck!" In all the myriad ways she, and all of them, will need it. 


"See you!"

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