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Ellie in Worm
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She'll find the knives came with her. It'll take a minute to absorb the blades into her body enough to be flexible, and Jack presumably has a limitless supply of them.

Most of her allies have already been dismantled by Mannequin and Shatterbird. The Othellos are the main exception; neither villain can get a good shot until after there's been at least one chance to try to stab them in the back. The other exception is the Siberian, who is of course busy canceling out the other Siberian.


Hm. She splits again, this time with Citrine. Three wide fields, one that will cancel out Shatterbird's power, one that will limit Jack's knives, and one that will suppress movement generally for everyone but the Othellos.


It's going to take time for each body to tune the field to a power. Minutes, probably. Longer since she's being watched and targeted.


More clones would be a helpful distraction. Meantime, she will concentrate as best she can.


Not only is everything on fire, but it's also on acid and glass. Glass can't affect her. The others can. Her bodies start to melt, though more slowly than when they were being specifically targeted.

The Siberians annihilate each other again, and both come back only to vanish again. Very insistent about their indestructibility, them. The Butcher's ring of destruction is still expanding. Arc, really; back when this was a Teeth base it was relatively close to the harbor. But he hasn't found the Genesoids yet.


And next time there's a Siberian-less window, a very angry metallic Keres bursts forth from within the beast.

She whirls around and starts blasting the body with chaos, bringing forth a burning sun and sending it into the cavity she just vacated.


Oh, this will never do. She abandons the Citrine project and gets her own offensive shades and blinks down.


The ensuing firestorm makes it quite difficult to tell just what happens next.


There's an enormous flash. It'd look more like a large hole standing vertically than anything else, if anyone was watching, which they're not. And at the end of the explosion there's one badly melted Keres. No one else is left but the Siberians, not even Noelle. Well, and Mannequin. And probably some Othellos. And the Genesoi are reappearing. It was still a really big explosion, okay.

Jack starts clapping, while the other Nine look on. (Except Cherish. She's still busy.)




Switching to metal makes it bearable, but only just. She's not quite up to moving, yet.


"I can help, probably! If you can be less metal while I fix whatever's wrong."


"Just toss me some metal, I'll do it myself."


"Okay, if that works." Metal.

And it better work, because Cherish announces that the Butcher's back. Still hasn't reached the projectors, since the monsters are still re-forming, but she lost control somewhere around the point where none of the Butchers had the slightest reason to keep exploding places that were probably inhabited.


She pulls it into herself, and her body fills back out.

She blinks up to the others. "So. Run or fight?"


"Run, I think. We certainly don't want to kill him, and he's much more visible if not disabled."


Suits her.

She's able to stand and walk now, so that helps.


Running is hard. Not in a can barely walk sense; more in a world's fastest speedster wants them dead sense. Cherish can overwhelm that easily, but doing it for thirteen or fifteen people at once less so.


She can at least provide some additional distraction. Primary shades: Prism, a Spree, the other her. That one lets her get out three more shades: metal for durability, and two offensive blasters. Split into three with Prism, two copies break off, reduplicate with Spree and engage.


The Butcher has multiple different kinds of durability, and one of them is Legend's. And Ellie's most powerful blaster is also the one with the shortest range. He shrugs off the lightning bolts and returns fire.

He gets frustrated at not hitting anything that matters. Teleports to the ground and back up with two explosions, now with a handful of debris the size of gravel. Reshapes them until the fronts are arrowheads, Butcher Eight's power. Imbues them with Fourteen's. One rockets downward with a laser behind it, pushing. Burnscar vanishes to some other flame, as she always does, and the laser slams into the ground. The arrowhead doesn't. It turns a near ninety-degree angle toward Burnscar's new location and drills through her head.


She collects the shade.

And now it's definitely time to leave. If she had time, she could set up a trap with Citrine, but it doesn't seem like she's going to get it.


Nope. Most of the Butchers and certainly Legend are still capable of prioritizing; she's his next target. He rarely wastes a shot on a Spree-style Ellie duplicate but still takes valuable seconds trying to get all three of the Prism-style ones.


She consolidates and splits frequently, varying which body she saves, and tries to use the Sprees as cover as much as she can.

"Get him down where I can hit him effectively."


"I can do that."

It's mostly a matter of emphasis. You know these people you really want dead, here, have some overpowering anger and look how down here they all are. The Butcher speeds toward them, no longer prioritizing but still hitting mostly Ellie duplicates just because of numbers. He is a very fast-moving target. Smashes straight through all Shatterbird's barriers and several of Ellie before he stops cold and bounces off a sheet of glass. The Siberian lets go of it.


Blast of chaos at the knees while he's still, hopefully knock him down without killing him.

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