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Ellie in Worm
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Their point is probably sufficiently clear that they could just leave, at this point.


And they will. Just as soon as they reemphasize that the heroes got annihilated by what might plausibly be the third scariest game in town. Pity they don't have any cameras to announce it into.

Next up is seeing what's going on with Noelle, since they'll all still be in fighting shape once Bonesaw has checked up on everyone. Unless anyone's given pause by the fact that all the Butchers especially Legend himself want them dead; there's only one Siberian on their side.


Ellie is certainly not.


She's not, neither is Crawler, Siberian's safe, Cherish thinks Legend just got a lot more interesting. The rest don't really see the point, but only Mannequin is very set against it and he doesn't talk.


Almost all the clones in view are dead. Their Siberian is lying stretched out with one hand gripping Noelle's massive bulk. Noelle's monster is bigger than before, and the protruding face is now a fully formed head. Most of the combatants are the Genesis projections, which re-form at various different speeds after being blasted. By now Legend might have figured out they're projections. Or maybe he still thinks they're just really hard to permanently kill. Every so often Noelle's monster vomits up some clones, who scramble for the Siberian. Usually they get lasered first. Most of the ones currently protected are hard to recognize without their costumes, but their shades look familiar. A Vex, an Othello, a Spree, and two Hunches. They make a point of moving to the side away from the mouth, so new arrivals have a better chance. The Othello vanishes.

None of the captives are visible, especially not touching Noelle. This doesn't seem to stop her from creating another set of Othellos plus a Hunch.


Wonder where they're hiding.

But this looks to be mostly a stalemate so long as Other Siberian is in play. They could tip the balance pretty quickly if they found where the Genesis bodies are.


They could if they had a way to look. The control radius probably isn't bigger than Cherish's detection radius, but there are a lot of people. Hard to identify what emotions someone should be feeling in a high-stakes life-or-death battle that doesn't threaten them personally. She can look of course. When she's less distracted by the Butcher.

They could just tell Legend about Genesis. If the other Butchers really want their Teeth back while Legend, Three, and Seven are feeling could be just as effective as killing the projectors. Assuming they want that to happen.


It'd give them an opportunity to figure out where the originals are and remove them.


That, Cherish can answer now. Noelle ate them. They're alive in there, and absolutely horrified out of their minds even more than Noelle is, but it's how she's keeping contact with them.

Yeah, in retrospect it makes sense that not everyone would have seen that already.


That makes it a little harder. Other Siberian is going to have to go first.


And the other Siberian is exactly as hard to get rid of as the Siberian. If they successfully distract Legend they could make that the world's fairest fight, and get them then? Again assuming they want to.


Well, what even is their objective at this point?


Mostly? Fun. That and not dying. Reputation, but on that front the gain would be "Slaughterhouse Nine created three or four separate disasters" regardless of how much effort it does or doesn't take the heroes to correct this one.

"Siberian? You're probably better at Siberianing than the copy, think you can kill her for good while Legend goes after the Genesis projectors?" She hesitates, but then nods. "Keres, kill Noelle if you can but if not go for the originals. Crawler, if she had anything that could hurt you she'd probably have tried it against Butcher."


Finally. Lethality authorization. She nods.

Who to pick? Fire and chaos seems a good mix, duplicated twice more once Legend and Other Siberian are neutralized.


Jack asks if Cherish has started yet, then shouts. "Genesis isn't a changer! Kill the projector and the monsters get out of your way!" The Butcher looks much less internally conflicted than the last time around, but he starts blasting.

The nearest building implodes. Then the next nearest. Then the next, and the next, until there's a growing radius of debris. Most everything nearby has been cleared because of the ongoing cape fight. But they didn't evacuate everything. Legend has extremely good vision. He keeps mechanistically targeting one building after the next, while Cherish and Jack look on.

The Siberian charges her equivalent and both vanish, only to reappear soon after and repeat.


That's her opening. She splits off two copies, and spreads out to encircle Noelle before opening fire. And chaos.


Noelle screams. Both Noelle and the monster she's attached to. Burnscar's blasts burn away some of the spare flesh, but it regenerates when she lurches away. Damsel's has more luck; whatever it hits simply isn't there any more. The downside is it doesn't operate from what might be called a safe distance so it doesn't penetrate far enough.


If she keeps the fire big and distracting, it ought to be safe enough to approach a little closer. With one body still at a safe distance, to recall into.


Noelle is bigly distracted. She recoils in pain, but Ellie is on both sides of her. Doesn't do much.

The cones of destruction creep closer together and do progressively more damage.

...then there's a shove from behind. One of her stumbles into a tentacle, which rams her into the side of the monster. Both her other bodies spontaneously die. Mostly spontaneously. Three Othellos vanish again.


No no no no no-

Out, she need to get out, not be touched- Shade, burn it, blast it, kill it-


Taking the shade doesn't work. It's not obvious why, it's right there and she's touching it, but her power doesn't seem to recognize that it's available to seize. Burning is a very questionable choice, but blasting cuts deep. Whole cones vanish from in front of her, but she needs every last bit separated– And then the Siberian is back, and her next blast does nothing. Noelle visibly regenerates from the inside out.

And after that, Noelle vomits again. A copy of her, with three Sprees as a distraction.


Nearly perfectly formed, too. Were she not lacking the original's drone armor, it'd be hard to tell them apart.

Her task is obvious. Stop the Nine from further threatening Noelle. Either by killing them, or driving them off. Start with killing, see how far that goes. She splits into three copies, with the teleporter. One to get Crawler, one to get Bonesaw, and one for Jack. Blink. Blink. Blink.


Jack somehow manages to get off a knife beam at each of them. More aiming for speed than fatality, but it gives the others time to respond. In Crawler's case that means creating acid that burns everything around him except himself, making him a much less appealing target for touch-based anything. Bonesaw instead pulls out two vials and shouts that you don't want to find out what this does if she breaks it.


She sacrifices her offensive slot for the metal shade, and goes after her targets again.


The acid still burns, but at least there's no pain. But it's very acidic and with a few globs of it that body loses the ability to move before she gets to Crawler. Bonesaw apparently doesn't trust whatever's in her vial against the metal power, but Burnscar bails her out. Every metal has a melting point. (Jack, meanwhile, is casually dodging and occasionally landing a knife flat against a joint. It's really not great for mobility.)


She reconsolidates, and blinks out of melee.

Bonesaw is still vulnerable if she keeps the metal up, but she needs the others distracted. Fortunately, she has allies.

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