"That's an attitude I, personally, can get behind. Anyway, I really am very impressed by your bluff and that's enough that I'm willing to get you up to speed on how to minimize your chances of dying, so listen up."
"Magic is awful. It sucks. You get the fuel for magic, called mana, by doing shit that sucks. You then can cast spells with it. You need to know exactly what a spell is going to do before you cast it. The school will give you books with spells in them. Unfortunately for you, it will give you spells in any language you know, and it can sometimes be very generous with what counts as knowing a language, and if you ignore spells for petty reasons like not knowing the language, the school may get mad. Get a spellbook in a language you don't know, come to me and I can find out who can help you out."
"The main reason magic sucks is that there are creatures everywhere called mals, which may have already tried to eat you. Your top priority is not to be eaten. I can give you two English spells for that purpose: a basic ward, and a basic weapon. Mostly, if a mal is coming for you, you want to run, because you are squishy, but if it's coming into your room at night you want to zap it. It's not guaranteed to work. I'm gonna be totally honest, you have a significant chance of dying even though I think you're cool."
"Other reasons you might die include that the school itself sucks. You need to go to your classes and do your homework or it will kill you. You will be assigned weekly maintenance. Do that, or the school will lock you out of the cafeteria, and you will die. The cafeteria is not safe. It has food, so you need to go anyway. Do not take food unless you see someone else take that food, or until you learn a way to detect mals and/or poison. Prioritize that, by the way."
"You will be learning magic. You will need to decide whether to specialize in languages, which gets you old spells in old languages; creative writing, which is writing new spells in the languages you know; artificing, which lets you make cool magic shit; or alchemy, which lets you make potions. You are not equipped to specialize in languages. Otherwise, world's your oyster."
"Lao, anything I missed?"