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Jing Yi meets Cascadia!Lev
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"You see I have no idea if that makes more or less sense than 'the great-nephew of the Emperor married a coroner.'"


"I spent enough to buy a kid on getting Rose out of Gilead when I'd never actually met her in person! I'd say that made very little sense."


"--okay, so he had very much actually met this coroner several times before he dramatically fell for her, so I think you win."


"To be fair we talked a lot online. --Asher ran past my window wearing nothing but tight underwear every afternoon for two years and that wasn't even him trying to seduce me, he mostly tried to seduce me by telling me I was wrong about economics." 


"He tried economics. Before he tried nudity. Even though nudity was available."


"To be fair to him I don't think the nudity without the economics would have worked at all, I'm not interested in sex with people I'm not in love with which I found out in the most embarrassing way possible."


"...go on."


"Fifteen minutes into a threesome."


"Okay, I can see how that would be bad." He is NOT laughing at Lev's plight, because that would be incredibly rude.


"But look at my husband and see how persecuted I was in college."

Lev pulls up a picture of Asher in his underwear on his phone. He is bending in a very anatomically improbable fashion. Is that something human backs can even do? Also he could probably be used to teach a class about the anatomy of the muscular system.


"Oh, wow. You were very oppressed."


"Every day! While I was trying to study!"


"I'm just picturing him running past your window, mostly naked, shouting 'your opinions on monetary policy are bad!'"


"No, the yelling was afterward. --And then I got drunk at a party and stared more openly than usual and he proposed a one-night stand and we didn't stop fucking for three days and at the end of it we were dating."


"Well that's an order to do those things in!"


"I mean, why shouldn't people have sex as soon as they want to? We have antibiotics and Prep and we need babies, and even if none of those things were true you could just do blowjobs and handjobs."


"You just seemed the type to need Wooing. Date and then spend three days very distracted."


"I was wooed with the economics arguing, I just wasn't aware I was being wooed."


"Economics and shirtless running: the way to your heart."


"And being tremendously sad on the Internet."


"Now you just need to find someone posting sad economics opinions on the internet while shirtless."


"At this rate I'm going to run out of bedrooms."


"You're either going to need a bigger house or to stack lovers on top of each other."


"But I'm already planning to stack the babies on top of each other!"


"You're just going to need to get very creative with the stacking then."

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