"Wow," Sadde breathes. "That's the coolest spell ever—or is it an artefact or something? I want that."
"He sounds like a very—interesting—person. Do you know more about him? His personality, especially?"
"Sure? Again, keep in mind there is a lot of hearsay. But he was good at finding unorthodox ways to solve problems and made efficient plans? Allegedly had very altruistic goals and had plans to use magic to improve the world, but had to constantly dodge people trying to use him for their selfish ends, which was apparently a motivator to create the cards. Oh, and 'people' usually meant sorcerer families, which he was famous for disliking because of their tendency to hoard knowledge and magic... rebuilt at least two Avalons and helped found another. Which was apparently something of a taboo in the past. Sorcerers didn't like critters and critters didn't trust sorcerers inside their Avalons."
"Honestly, I agree completely! I wish he wasn't working with the constraints he had. I bet he would have done some incredible things."
"Just regretting my role as an anime protagonist. Hey, guys, just curious, but does reincarnation happen to be possible? I am asking for a friend. He is the friend," Temple points at Sadde.
"We... heard stories about reincarnation, ghosts and the afterlife, but there are stories about everything."
"Yup, but since this an anime, I bet you that Sadde is Clow Reed's reincarnation. Returned to fulfill his obligation to the cards... or something like that, I haven't worked out the narrative yet."
"In that case I'm severely disappointed in my past self and hope he—they?—had very good reasons to do all of this."
"Well, since this is an anime. I bet you that I used to be your one true love in our past lives and I died and you decided to reunite with me in the future. And I was a girl, that is why I have a pink staff. Or I don't know."
"Well... there are stories that the cards could be used to divine answers," Felix says turning to Kero.