"Wow," Sadde breathes. "That's the coolest spell ever—or is it an artefact or something? I want that."
"Can't wait."
They talk and banter and flirt and eventually leave, the thing with Isaac still a mystery.
And eventually, it's the day of their date!
Isaac picks them up and leaves them at a train station where the twins are waiting.
(Temple manages to interact with Isaac with non-awkward amounts of sighing.)
The twins have a picnic basket, and while a train isn't exactly the ideal spot for a picnic, they can use The Illusion to make their cabin look like a stunningly pretty clearing besides a crystal mountain.
Eventually the train stops at a small station in a very small town next to a large hill.
Then they walk into a small shop and after talking to a shopkeeper are led to a tunnel...
...which leads to an Avalon built inside the hill. The ceiling is a stone dome with some sort of enchantment to mimic a bright and sunny sky, complete with small clouds. The place is nearly perfectly spherical but built in layers. Quaint little houses and gardens sit on top of each other and connect through staircases and bridges. There is a waterfall feeding a river that crosses the town.
They are currently standing on a balcony space right in the middle of the sphere with a magnificent view to the waterfall and the rainbow it produces.
"Pretty cool place, isn't it?"
"Excuse me while I pick up my jaw." Temple says after a moment. "This place is amazing." Temple squints. "Hey, are those gryphons? Are they related to you?"
"I'll show you the way."
He leads them through the flowered paths. Some people give them second glances but not much besides that. Most of these people are in forms that are humanoid, but part-critter and some are fully in critter shape. So they see people with fur, claws, horns and occassionally fins.
The shop is near a pond. In the distance they can see a bunch of aquatic critters, including something that looks like a cross of gryphon and fish. The shopsign says "CLOSED" but Fenris rings the bell anyway and they are received by a stern looking nixie (basically a mermaid that is more on the fish side of human-fish hybrid). "Ah, the Finns? Follow me this way."
She leads them to the display with dozens of medallions. "The special ones are in that box over there, the dressing room is in the back. Don't touch the medallions unless you're in the dressing room." The nixie leaves.
Faun, bugbear, bohemian lion, pegasus, peryton, gryphon... it goes on. The "special ones" in the box appear to include simurghs, garudas, thunderbirds... and (displayed in the middle in a place of honor) dragon and sphinx.
"The medallion will bind to yourself at first contact and activate the transformation," Fenris explains, "and since people can often find new bodies confusing the contact should be made in the dressing room so you don't break anything."