Cardverse turns out to not be what they expected
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"You already are."


"Good." Temple pulls Sadde into a kiss. But then away. "I really, really should tell mom about this entire thing."


"...yes, you probably should."


"This isn't going to be a fun conversation," sigh. Kiss. "I will get going before getting too distracted. Talk to you tomorrow."


"Okay. See you."


Temple goes home and has a conversation with his mom. She is (obviously) quite mad at the likely possibility that Temple's father lied to her, but decides to be practical about it and focus on how dangerous the Graynorth clan could be and considering (again) if they should move. Temple tells Sadde all about it the next day.


"You still are the cardcaptor, I'm not sure these considerations aren't all just... extraneous to that fact."


"Yeah, I told her that. She is still considering renting a place in the part of town that is outside their range, though."


"Yours is in their range?"


"No, but she thinks it's too close. I can still go to school and do a lot of things without crossing it for anything not as important as the Cards."


"Yeah, fair enough, I suppose."


"Yeah. Can't say I am not curious about the mysterious wizard clan, but the Cards come first. How did your mom react to the whole critter and reincarnation thing?"


"Oh, with her usual aplomb. She was actually pretty relieved for me when she found out I was the reincarnation of the most powerful sorcerer of all time."


"I don't think mine quite processed it right. Well, she did say I couldn't pull 'I'm older than you' on her as an excuse to do things."


"Well I wouldn't do that to mine. She trusts me implicitly."


"Me neither. But I think she has fairly good principles most of the time. Anyway, what do you want to do today?"


"We should probably decide on which Card to trade with the twins. And then possibly ask them out."


"True." Temple checks his list to discuss with Sadde.

Temple's Cards are: the Windy, the Flower, the Glow, the Twin, the Jump, the Shield, the Through, the Silent, the Rain, the Wood, the Mirror and the Illusion.

He doesn't want to give the Windy or the Shield up because they are very important Cards combat-wise. He kind of wants to play around more with the Mirror and the Illusion before deciding if he wants them or not. The twins probably won't want the Jump if they are giving up on the Fly, but Temple is not going to need that one as much with the Fly around. The Flower and the Glow are too... specific to be worth trading. The Freeze might have an interesting combo effect with the Rain, worth checking...

"You know, If they don't want the Jump and I get the Fly, you could get Jump. You'd be the only one without wings."


"We still have spells," she points out. "Also Flower generates endless matter for free."


"Fair enough. I wish they had said what they wanted from the traded cards. Also, you didn't comment on getting the Jump. You don't want it?"


"My comment about us having sorcery was a response to that. I can too fly."


"And maybe you are a sphinx with your own set of wings!"


"Yeah, we should figure that out. Maybe we should call the twins and see what they want out of the Cards."


"Yes, we should meet up with them and experiment with the Cards. With all the unexpected revelations we got yesterday I didn't even have the time to experiment with them."


"Yeah, sure." Phone out, and she dials them.

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