"Wow," Sadde breathes. "That's the coolest spell ever—or is it an artefact or something? I want that."
"Man, why only Sadde gets to have a cool and famous past life? I want a cool and famous past life."
"I don't think planning to fight other people counts as recklessness! ...but I see what you mean." He looks at Temple and says, "I think we've determined you have a past life, they could be famous."
"Cool, maybe I invented medallions? I hope I did. That would be cool. What other cool magical inventions are out there?"
"As far anyone knows they are discovered... but granted they might have been invented? People have no idea which came first between runecasting and sorcery. Most suspect that critters came after sorcery though."
"Runes are at least old enough that no one knows who first started using them, or even where exactly, except it was in the old world. And critters are more likely to happen as a result of sorcery than as a result of runecasting. Or at least runecasting can just as likely give you an explosion or something weird. Oh, and the proportion of critter sorcerers is way higher than human sorcerers too."
"You mentioned some people suspect Clow of having invented them, so it's not out of the question."
"Well, it was more of a rumor on the level of 'Clow was secretly every important sorcerer that ever existed'. Granted, given reincarnation maybe he was a good fraction of them."
"What else were we going to discuss? I think you wanted to trade a card? Which I guess makes some sense if you can fly but not as much if doing so reveals you're critters."
"The Fly gives us wings, and even if they don't look like normal wings, if the Graynorth Clan sees us they are going to assume we are critters regardless, simply because it is more likely than it being the Cards. And stopping to explain about the Cards is not necessarily the best idea."
"Ah, the rashinban activated by itself one day because the Cards were activated. I don't know if the Graynorth Clan has that kind of detection power."
"Yes. But meditation takes time and patience. They likely have some sort of detection artifact, a powerful one, but obviously not powerful enough to beat the Clow Cards."
"But I mean, I can do it, and I've only known I'm a sorcerer for a month and a half. It's boring but it's not difficult."
Helpless shrug. "Meditation is important to keep in tune with your artifacts," Felix admits, "but they haven't shown signs of noticing the Cards or you two so far. Maybe we got lucky, or maybe all the members with artifacts are away. It varies from clan to clan, but sorcerers can pursue things like college or simply move out of their parents houses."