Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I want to watch!" meows Cinderpelt, standing up with her forepaws on Cam's knee, trying to get a good viewing angle and keep her balance.
"Suit yourself." He applies antiseptic and then pinches the cut closed and fills in the damage with fresh tissue attached on both sides, just a thin layer. "There you go."
Princess flinches a little but doesn't make any noise while Cam works, then shakes out her paw and stretches it. "Wow, that's really all better, isn't it. Thank you!" She starts purring and rubs her face on him.
Pet pet pet. "So do dogs definitely not talk or is it like twolegs where for all you know they could have their own language?"
(Cinderpelt removes herself from Cam's knee and pads over to where Sandstorm is whispering in Fireheart's ear.)
"I don't know how I would tell! My housefolk don't have one and I don't see very many of them in more than passing."
"Maybe a dog can be convinced to complete a summoning circle and then we will know." Scritch scritch.
"...I don't really need anything, since I can make arbitrary material objects. Uh, general goodwill?"
"I would like to make it clear that we won't consider ourselves bound to do anything in particular if there are things you want from us that you're not mentioning." She looks to Fireheart.
"Right. We aren't agreeing to act wrongly or against ThunderClan's interests by accepting your help."
" I mentioned before, in my culture of origin agreements are not nearly so laden. I am not considering you obligated to anything specific, I just like being helpful and vaguely hope that you will look kindly on opportunities to be helpful back should they arise."
"Great, so how do we want to do this - if it's going to stop hurting immediately then I probably don't even need poppy seeds; they won't be helpful enough to make it worth how long they'll make me sleepy afterwards - "
"I'm going to give you a very very conservative dose of lidocaine, which will burn for a second but cut the sensation from the leg off temporarily, and then sterilize the surface of the leg with some stuff that shouldn't hurt a bit, and then I'm going to remove it above the point of injury with magic - I'll put a very thin layer of salt water across it, so it will stop being attached - and then immediately make a new healthy leg starting from there. The lidocaine should wear off quickly after that because it will mostly be operating in the removed leg."
"You don't seem obviously biologically different in any way. I could make a cat-body that didn't have a mind, if you like, and try it on that and see if anything bad happened."