Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Altering food by combining ingredients and applying heat and stuff. Somewhat wasted on the feline palate as far as I am aware."
"It would be pretty nice to be able to have warm prey even if the warriors had to carry it a long way back to camp in the middle of leaf-bare!"
"Fair enough. Also I've heard cats like the taste of yeast. But I don't know that you'd benefit from spices or whatever. Maybe I'm wrong."
"Do you mean like herbs? Cats definitely benefit from herbs. Though not really in a tasting way for most of them, I suppose."
"Basically, but my training was pretty focused on using magic in the doctoring process."
"I can make things, which includes medicines but also organs and limbs to replace damaged or missing ones, tissue to heal wounds, and various machinery twolegs have invented to help people get better."
"They are not, thumbs are these," he waggles them, "some cats actually have them but not usefully opposable, they make us very dextrous, and engineering skill means accumulated expertise at building things, including things with lots of steps because the parts also need to be built."
"Yeah, if you've got somebody down a paw I can fix that, that doesn't require that much knowledge of cat medicine. Though if they don't want it to hurt I would have to look up some painkillers and dosing."
She sticks her leggy out real far. "I got hit by a monster. And I know how many poppy seeds to take."
"- okay, for that I would want to actually remove and replace the entire leg, and put you on something other than poppyseeds."