Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
He hates this time system. "It won't be time for our late-night breakin for a while, so I guess maybe I should see about buying this land now that I have a bunch of money. Which reminds me, I should figure out how to wire Atriama for internet and, more pressingly, this place where we currently stand; if I make a computer can it get a mystical crystalline signal out of the air or is this strictly a cables situation?"
"Mystical crystical, surely - I've been looking into it and you have a few options. There are signal towers which don't strictly need to be wired to each other, but which won't work unless whatever organization they're copied from registers and adjusts for them; there's logging on with our cell phone and plugging it into a laptop, which is liable to be very slow but might be our current best option; we can do wires and those shouldn't inherently be prevented from working if the relevant organization doesn't know about them but scale is likely to be a problem even aside from the logistics of placing the physical wires."
"Bleah. Phone tethering. I guess it should be enough for online banking. Can you check out the state of the global market in signal towers so I can try getting a few providers into a bidding war for the privilege of being my ISP?" He makes himself a laptop and tethers the phone and checks his email.
"I can try!"
He has exactly one email, from welcome(on)ucom.alf. It informs him of basic email functions and gives him a couple of links where he can donate money to either the Alphabet Conglomerate as a whole or to individual organizations in its directory, should he so choose.
Oh, cool, good to know, he's not currently comfortably liquid enough to do that but could get that way any minute. No Britannian bank recommendations though? Damn. He will Google or whatever they have around here Britannian banks.
No Britannian bank recommendations yet! The 'or whatever' is called Moale, apparently, and it points Cam to several options. There are Britannian banks and Europan banks and Roman banks that span both continents (though not, it seems, any that cover both all-of-Rome and Verona).
It doesn't advertise a seamless account integration with any other companies or anything like that, but it does look like more basic and inconvenient transfers are probably possible. Also while this one is clearly about the best available for online banking, he can't actually set up an account over the internet.
Wow, the state of the art in online banking is terrible. He will wait for recommendations rather than go with this one right off.
"Reckon it's about time to collect Londinium cats and bring those down? You could try piloting it."
That would be much appreciated.
It's cloudy over Londinium, which is great for shuttle inconspicuity but kind of sucky for staying dry on the way down.
When they've alighted he can make very dry hot air for as long as necessary to feel right again and then they can head surreptitiously toward the cat hideout.
Felicity visibly finds her new long coat very uncomfortable but such is incarnation. The cat hideout is conveniently pretty outskirty, at least, being in the slave housing part of town.
When they're pretty close a calico stops to stare at them, but doesn't say anything.