Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"There's some in the basement. I'll take you to see them if you want but I'd like some assurance you're not going to try and kill me or anything once we're there."
"Reassuring enough for a walk and talk." He stands up and goes to the door. "What's your birthday?"
"September thirteenth but I am from an alternate universe which I am told may be reasonably summarized as 'everyone is even'."
"Hm. Given that I'll have to take you at just your word, do you perhaps want to say more of them about not intending to harm me, if that's true?"
Somebody powerwalks across most of the way across an upcoming intersection of hallways before backtracking and changing course towards Cam and the other scientist. " - Mr. Swan?" she calls.
"That's me! - I came here fully aware that you were unethical mad scientists, I'm expecting you to have done something incredibly fucked up but I might be less likely to have a startle reaction about what it is in specific if you verbally described what I am about to behold? I don't think I have a murderous startle reaction but if this is very much on your mind it might be alarming for me to start recoiling and swearing and stuff."
The second scientist catches up by the time he's done talking and re-reroutes to keep pace with them. "Where are we going?"
"Oh, what was it you tried? I didn't even notice, I guess that points to something in the drugs department..."
"Great, I hate it when my patience goes unappreciated. What am I going to be looking at downstairs?"
"The main thing is a few genetically-modified children, ages six to fourteen, kept in varying, generally-improving conditions but not previously allowed to leave. With wings."
"I guess that would help. I will not murder you over having put some wings on some kids. Especially if you genetically engineered them and haven't been doing gruesome surgery."
"You didn't get them right on the first try and have been supplementing with gruesome surgery, haven't you."