Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
Here is a bank! It's open despite the fact it's the weekend and the hours on the door say it's normally closed then!
The teller splits the conversation between staring at his wings and making eye contact to avoid looking at his wings and burying her attention in the forms in front of her, but at the end of it Cam has a bank account with thirty-two Roman gold pieces in it and an attached 'Vericard' 'debitum' card which should be usable pretty much anywhere that takes cards at all.
"Awesome, thank you! Do you have a means of remote contact if I have some kind of banking-related need?"
"For example!" He takes the card and writes down the contents on his computer and then gives it back.
The teller observes this process with obvious puzzlement. "You'll have to come to one of our branches or one of our CMTCs to deposit money, though; that can't be done remotely."
"A Computerized Monetary Transfer Console? Do you need me to show you how to use one?"
"Well, there's one outside." She heads that way. "And we have locations in most cities across Northern Vespuricca."
". . . You may want to open an account at a Britannian bank, then." Here's the CMTC! It's Totally Not An ATM. Works a lot like one, though.
"Alas. When you find out can you please write this information down and add 'letter to Cam'?"