Cam and Warrior Cats
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"That might be convenient."


"Can you find your way or do you need an escort?"


"I do not need an escort." She - very tentatively - starts towards the door to the stairwell.


"What else should I see while I'm in town?" Cam asks the local.


"Before I answer that I'd like to clarify that I don't think we're anywhere near close to an adequately-detailed definition of victimhood, glad though I am that you relieved your poor companion."


"If that is the preferred order of operations. Let's see. As a first pass, a victim is someone who is extorted, coerced, maybe bribed depending on desperation level, outright forced, threatened or intimidated, or otherwise wedged into events that they do not want to partake in, particularly ones that impinge on their bodily autonomy, involve sex, feature mind-altering substances, have characteristics the victim was not informed of, are ego-dystonic, inflict moral injury, go on for a long time or otherwise have high opportunity cost for the victim, result in lasting psychological, physical, or social harm, or otherwise generally suck."


"That's sufficiently clear, if I can get it in writing."


Cam transcribes most of his important conversations; he runs a cleanup program to get out all the "uh" and typos and then hands her a sheet with it written down nice and calligraphic. The words "victim" and "particularly" and "suck" are all somewhat larger than the surrounding text to artistic effect.


"Thank you."  She carries it to her desk and files it into a folder sitting centered thereupon.  "I must warn you, a fair few of us will be unwilling to live under these conditions.  But even supposing your desire for flourishing is as universal as you claim I'm not sure there's much you can or would want to do to stop them."




"Since you didn't forbid suicide poisons."


"If many of y'all would rather be dead than be alive and not able to victimize people, then that's their call, though it betrays a disappointing lack of flexibility and imagination."


"I only really expect our older members to find it tempting.  Less time left to make it worth the readjustment."


Cam nods.


"On a happier note, our nation's need for crystal healers is in the process of sharply declining, and if you would find it useful to have one as part of your retinue we're willing to continue employing one on your behalf."


"I have a crystal consultant but she's from a power plant, not a medical background, so plausibly."


"It seems you may be on track to accumulate more than one healer's worth of necessary healing, as well."


"May I? Is there a specific reason to think so?"


"I only meant you seem like a busy man.  Though if you can summon functional crystals into existence perhaps any healers in your employ will be significantly more effective than those outside it."


"Plus if they die I can resurrect them."


"Still, we have one available if you could use her services."


"One of y'all?"


"No, she's even."


"I shall be happy to be introduced."


Andrea holds down a button on her desk phone.  "Melissa, if you could come back in here please."

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