Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I can make phone calls on your behalf," asserts Felicity. "Or Cam might have a more effective way to track him down. Please reserve your ability to do difficult things for when he and the nebula get home."
Cam materializes a ship with nebulae in it and sends it on its way. ...surroundings of Jordan?
Lying down in some grass, motorcycle helmet next to him, arm thrown over his eyes.
"Alright." He grabs a jacket and makes sure one of the pockets jangles keyily. "Trust you guys not to wreck the house or anything; I'll be back in maybe half an hour." And he's off.
It lands before the men of the house return even though it takes longer than half an hour. The new nebula has clambered one of their bodies into the other's wheelchair, where they're holding themselves tightly.
Cam rolls the chair out and sends the shuttle on autopilot back to the hangar in a cave near Atriama.
He hands over two straw-bearing lidded cups that should be easy to maneuver even for just-rezzed folks.
The more alert one jostles the shoulder of the bottom one and they adjust their sitting position to allow for sipping in slightly-eerie unison.
"Hi Nicholas," one returns blearily while the other drinks. "Sorry for throwing up on your carpet." They switch. "And . . . stuff. Y'know."
"I do. It's been cleaned. I hope you won't begrudge me an owed favor in return."
Nicholas drops his light smirk as soon as the door's closed. Quietly: "I hope I didn't throw you off balance in attempting to steer towards playful annoyance over excessive guilt."