Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Last I heard they were considering Jakey as an obvious option but weren't very fond of it."
"Most star clouds don't have names! I suppose I might end up having started a trend; we'll see."
"You're supposed to be metaphysically congruent with the middle birthday, if I recall right, what are those named?"
"There's not as distinct a trend as there is on either of the other sides. My seasonchange components were named Mary, Elizabeth, Allie, Markus, Daisy, Anabel, Alf, and Victoria."
Nicholas knocks at the front door but enters without waiting for anyone to let him in.
" - Yeah, thank you again for your time." Ian hangs up the wall-mounted phone in the kitchen and rushes over to hug Nicholas. "Nick, I - " He buries his face in his brother's shoulder.
"Ian," Nicholas greets, exceedingly neutral. He hugs back lightly. Pats Ian on the back a handful of times.
"Come now," Nicholas says after not too long, putting his hands on Ian's shoulders and pushing gently but consistently away. "I hear they'll be back soon." Shoulderclap.
"Should I send a ship out for them like now?" Cam asks Felicity, "Or do they want a bit longer?"
"I still haven't found Jordan," Ian interjecs. "Not that I mean - they should come back down when they want. How long of a nap did you say they'll need?"
"In principle they will be able to talk and stuff as soon as they get here but they will want a nap of... Felicity, what's the average, minding that you were up much quicker and everybody else has been a singlet? -"
"Perhaps three to six hours, as a best guess? And they're almost ready, now. I think we can probably get started."
"Okay. I," Ian swallows," can keep making phone calls - " He keeps his eyes down at his hands and sounds a little bit like he thinks this would possibly be more stressful than another of his family members dying.