Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Okay." He sighs. "I think I'm gonna call some stores and the library and stuff and see if I can't find Jor without having to go on an adventure."
"Good luck."
He scoops up Cricket as an emotional support cat and goes looking for the nearest Felicity.
She's in the living room with Ivy and the shelter cats, Tenor doing machine translation work off the side of her lap.
Cam gets a notification that Felicity Nebula has shared the document 'Resurrection Specs: Jackie Adams & Jay Stewart 785/8/08' with him. "They were talking to a guard to make sure Nicholas's name stays clear. It shouldn't take too much longer with such a straightforward case but I'm not sure whether they'll want to talk to any family members after that."
"Locating all the sapient cats? I also called around Vespuriccan shelters and found that resurrectee's dog, but I'm not sure of the most efficient way to retrieve her."
"I'll ask when he wakes back up. How would we be planning to retrieve the human retriever, then?"
"Presumably you'd call them, they'd get the dog, I could pick the dog up from in a shuttle, it just makes the dog's fate less short-order precarious."
"Oh, I see. . . . In theory I have relatives in that very general area who I could call upon, but I think I'd prefer not to outside of desperate circumstances."
"Once we've done more world-fixing and are in a stable pattern I might want more of a personal life, but for now it doesn't really seem like it would do to get distracted."
"I have very little idea if I'm saddling you with too much work or not enough, it's hard to think about what a reasonable schedule looks like between the days being longer and you being numerous."
"My main concern for now is finding a way to outsource the star interfacing before I get to questionable levels of omnilol use per body."
"As a nebula I don't really want to find out! Normal living people can fall out of tune with their bodies - have trouble registering pain or noticing that they're hungry, that sort of thing, up through being almost completely disconnected from their sensations - apathy towards earthly concerns; wasting away, sometimes fatally; being quicker to join all the way up when they die . . ."
"There are existing services for, for example, hiring someone to sit with your dead grandma and read to her, or for someone to go all in on sense-sharing and have a concert for well-behaved stars with a new flatdisk in their room. But in terms of this level of scale and interactivity . . . I think we might be better off finding a big cloud who isn't resurrectable yet, having them do all the information gathering, and just having me and possibly a few other living people interface with them." She scritches Tenor's shoulders. "To some extent Nudge is already helping with this, but he's only five people and I don't think he wants to keep it up long term."
"Okay. I probably can't overdose on omnilol, c.f. the bone-hurting donut experiment, so I can pick up more of this, but I'm not especially good at navigating stars yet."
"The thing about talking to stars and taking information down from them is that I'm leaning very heavily on having more attentional capacity. When Jordan wrote up my DNA, it was quite an involved and time-consuming process to make sure that it was correct because that's just an awful lot of work for one brain. I think even twofer nebulae would be significantly more efficient. Which isn't to say that singlets wouldn't ever be useful in a pinch, or for other applications - I think I mentioned previously that we should have some people available to talk to stars to keep them from getting lonely enough to merge up before we can get to them?"
"Yeah. Maybe Jackie and Jay - do they have a name yet - will help, as long as they're nebulized anyway."