Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Do you want me to ask Ian to get the hair dryer? Then you could be fluffy and warm. - It is very loud though if you don't like that."
"Oh, I didn't mean to worry you. Come along," she instructs, leading him to the bathroom and pawing at a cabinet.
"Yes, she has talked Cricket into trying it for his dampness." Cam puts Cricket aside and gets the hair dryer.
"I WANNA TRY." The thu-thu-thuhthu-thu-thu-thu of kitten running preceeds Gabbie's entrance. She comes to a sliding stop and looks up at Cam. "Hi."
Gabbie does NOT. Or rather she doesn't stick around to find out; she rescampers back away once it's turned on and even a little close to her, then peeks her head back around the corner to observe from a safe distance.
Her family members join her and then approach more slowly. The mom lets Cam dry her if he pleases and Tenor allows it but only if it's from several feet away and not directed at his head.
The other ex-sheltered cats, being already dry, don't take up too much of Cam's attention.
Princess does though! She rubs on his shins and calves and puts her paws up on his knee to balance closer to the blow dryer.
"I'm glad the mom cat appears to have been retrieved without incident," Cam mentions to Ian.
"It wasn't too hard with Ivy's coaching, really. You're doing a jailbreak for the rest of them tonight?"
"There was one lady there, another tortoiseshell, who seemed pretty sure it was her turn and seemed kind of upset when we left with Ms. Cleo." He gestures in the general direction of the mama. "If I wasn't just imagining it."
"One of them was really nervous about being killed but Ivy says it's a no-kill shelter, and down three cats today I'm not particularly worried anyone will get put down before I walk in and take them all."