Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Yeah." He clears his throat. "Thanks. Doubling our amount of twoct year olds on short notice is gonna cause a few hiccups but I've been assured I can hit you up for more bed space or whatever if they turn out to want that."
"Yes, absolutely. Though I have no idea what the other - involved party's - living situation might be."
"Jay - the other involved party's name is Jay - wasn't particularly happy with his previous living situation, I recently explained to Ian. Which is a large part of why he was willing to join up with Jackie even with resurrection on the table."
Cam nods. Goes and finds Princess to see where she's at on comprehending the situation.
"You look so sad! You can hold me like a baby for a minute if that would make you feel better."
"What precisely do you understand to be the situation with Jackie, it's kind of complicated."
"Well, she went to Nicholas's house and ate some bad things there on purpose, and it killed her, only you're going to bring her back, only she and another housefolk did the opposite of tearing themselves in half, so it's like we'll be getting another housefolk except instead of being one new one there will kind of be two halves of a new one. And she'll look and smell different but she'll still remember me and love me and be my Jackie, except for the new bits of her that are a little like Ian, and maybe she will even start crying less eventually. And this will happen very soon so it won't even be like when housefolk get out the suitcases and put things in them and go away for a long time, but all the housefolk are very sad anyways."
"...yeah that's pretty much it. I'm not really sure how sad I should be. I never met anyone who squashed themselves into another person after I met them before."
"I think most people could stand to be a little bit more like Ian. He is my favorite person. And not usually so sad."
"Well, that's good for her then, isn't it? - I am done being held like a baby now thank you."