Cam and Warrior Cats
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"It was lovely meeting you all and you are all so soft. See you later."


The wakeup is rather more gradual this time, and the clock on the nightstand reads 05:73, which is less than an hour after he'd lain down but not very much less.

He has a few unread text messages, the first one from the middle of his nap and the second two more recent.


Found something I can fairly give you a useful sum for.


A resurrection, or an absolution.

If the subject isn't interested in the former.

Up he gets, setting his sunset alarm and writing down all the notes he studied in the dream as fast as possible. Then he'll read his messages.

I might need more of the story than that to do either but I have proof of concept for at least one of those things
Cam replies.

And how are the living cats?

"FLOOR," Cam hears from the other room in the same tone as a previous 'BLANKET'.


But his phone rings only a few seconds after his text goes through.


- okay?



"I seem to recall you saying mercy killing was fine when it's the best option, but I'm willing to pay a substantial restitution to secure your patience and understanding if it turns out not to have been."  There's some sort of staticky noise in the background.  "And hello."


"Gosh. Okay. Uh, I can have my assistant go talk to whoever this is and get them on the rez list if they want to be but I need to know, like, who it is."




"- ah. Just now?"


"Perhaps half an hour ago.  I've held off on alerting the authorities or her family members."  Cam can hear a faucet turning and the static stops; there's rustling consistent with Nicholas drying his hands.  "She left a note reading 'back soon', though if she intends to return I lack clarity on what the point of breaking into my chemical cabinets was."


"Oh, she did this herself?"


"I finished it.  Most possible combinations of lethal chemicals don't lead to a painless end."


"I super do not blame you for that part, wow. - uh.

- okay. It's possible she has. Deliberately already merged with somebody."


"Thank you for your unpurchased understanding.  Shall I continue holding off on informing anyone else or does an obvious course of action already exist, from your perspective."


"Well, somebody should talk to her. I'll message Felicity, some of her might already be high."

Hey Felicity! Jackie killed herself! Might be trying to turn into a you! Can you raise her/her+?



There's a quiet two-knocks on the door to Ian and Jordan's bedroom.


Nicholas nods inaudibly into the receiver and then says, "Understood."


"Catch up with you in a few." He hangs up. He lets Felicity in.


She closes the door behind her.  "Oh dear."


"Yeah. I don't know that's what she had in mind but it seems suspicious."


"It really does.  She wants to talk to you; she's not telling me much of anything.  Still a singlet, though."


"Okay. Do you have any omnilol on you?"


"No.  I know there's some in the house but now probably isn't the best time to try out upping your dose."

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