Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"It was for me! I know Clan cats hunt for food but what's the point at all if you don't need food and aren't using them as toys?"
"Oh dear. I am going to maybe have a slightly worse time integrating the populations if the cats want to not only kill but also torture the songbirds."
"I'm assuming all the prey here is just constructs without internal experiences, sort of like how not-me twolegs are?"
"Well, at any rate I'm only partly concerned for the birds and the rest of my concern is about how humans who are fond of birds will react to their neighbors torturing birds, and that part at least is definitely not at issue here."
"I mostly used to hunt when I didn't have any good toys and my Twolegs weren't playing enough with me. So if you can make good enough toys maybe just do that, and I'll try and do that here too. Since one day maybe I can hang out with more Twolegs again and I don't want them to not like me."
"Thank you." Scritch scritch. "Though I can just hear Fireheart telling me that Clan cats don't play with toys. Maybe I'm wrong."
"I guess maybe none of them will. I imagined they might do tourism, or there might be older cats who want to retire from Clan life but still have some sort of dignity objection."
It takes a good long while for everyone to get sufficiently petted, but eventually: "You'll definitely try to sleep every sunset?"