Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Well, my current project is getting anybody who is not happy with their current living situation moved to Atriama, I'd love some help brainstorming what a good cat accommodation system there will look like."
"You should have at least some rooms that are too small for Twolegs to go in. And places outside but without cars and foxes and things that kill cats."
Cam writes these things down. "Atriama's not very outside, it's a cave, but hopefully it will be outside enough. Is being able to get food in a store like a human can good enough for the not-hunting option?"
". . . Maybe if some Clan cats want to move there it would? I don't think normal cats would mind."
"Okay. So there'd be food in various displays and people can take some of it, maybe in a basket with wheels or something, and a way to pay for it - that part may be important if it's got to be fresh unpackaged food, if it's okay for it to be dry or canned or frozen then I can make it less frequently in larger batches and don't need to establish a supporting economy."
"I think that Clan cats are also the only ones who would really care about it being fresh and unpackaged."
"I get that sense. Will it matter a lot what prey is handy? I'll have to import it, I am not a mama bird and can't get a nestful of eggs to maturity without way more time investment than I care to put in. And humans like wild birds and are not wild about wild rodents."
"Oh, I hadn't thought about there not already being any. Are any rodents likely to sneak in anyways?"
"I guess they might if I'm not super hardcore about making sure they don't, but we'll mostly be importing people, not stuff, so it'll be hard for rats to sneak into shipping crates or whatever."
"Yeah, I just want to know in advance if I should expect cats to be complaining about not having shrews or whatever they're into."
"I liked catching mice for my Twolegs and I don't really know what other parts of the experience might be important to other cats."
"Hopefully everybody can compromise on birds. Is it very important to torment the prey before it dies, nonperson cats do a lot of that and it's pretty grisly but I don't know if it's important to the experience."