Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Not that I know of! Let me pull an update off what you've got and see how it's going." Yoink. How is it going.
Slowly, without an existing corpus to work from. It's clearly had several hours put into it, but between pawful typing speed and the audio side of things not being optimized for meowing, the results are pretty paltry.
"I'm going to try replacing your microphone, but the fact is that this is just a lot of work for one kitty and your progress probably won't let anybody else have machine translated conversations with cats very soon." He fiddles with her microphone.
"That's what I thought." She rubs up against him. "You should give more kitties this job if you can."
"Hmmm... what I might be able to do is set something up that will show pictures and then other cats can name what's in the pictures, for vocabulary. You'd still be doing the grammar, but it'd help some." He starts poking around at code to accomplish this.
"Sure, why not." It's not a complicated setup. He plunks down lil' screens with microphones and they can start showing objects to be named. "If you don't have a word for an object, like if it's a very unfamiliar object, paw that button." Point.
"Then the computer will have inaccurate beliefs about your vocabulary, but that's okay."
He swishes his tail unhappily. "BLANKET," declares his sister, already having skipped at least a dozen prompts.
She continues bapping through the images while her brother spends a full minute staring at a picture of a spoon. The humans are chatting over cider (Ivy's acquired a mug of it as well) about cosmology and resurrection.
"And apparently it means 'cloud'; I quite like it - Cam, does it sound ridiculous to call a living star cloud a nebula? We don't have the word here."
"One can get so much copywriting and visual design done when they're twenty-eight people! Especially with newfangled computers; they're also very helpful."