Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Hi!! Hi Cam and Cricket and Nicholas and this new housefolk and that new housefolk and kittens!!! Hi kittens!"
"Princess, the kittens' mom is still in the shelter, so the plan is we wait a bit so the staffers get less suspicious and then you and Ian go in and make like you've been lonely and want more cat friends and you click really well with their mom."
One of them has to get out a small round of zoomies when let out and the other is a little wary but pretty quickly they're both attentive to Princess's lecture on the glowy rectangle.
"I am! I'll take one of whatever's convenient; I haven't discovered much about my composite taste preferences yet."
"Yes, I'm a star cloud. Or was; who knows whether people will or won't end up calling incarnated ones that still."
"Huh. So you're like, not anyone? Or anyone else, I mean - or are you all the same - "
"Actually I'm apparently an October seasonchange despite having more yous and summer solstices in my composition. About a third of each."
"From what I know it seems like most star clouds aren't anyone else and would continue to not be anyone else if resurrected, and it's just that for some cosmic reason still unknown to me summerfalls are already a mix of equal parts of those."
Jackie appears in the doorway to the kitchen. "I had some - " her voice breaks; she clears her throat. "I had some hot spiced cider earlier; the pot probably hasn't cooled down yet."
"Helloooo," re-greets Princess, leaving the kittens distracted by the computer. "I've been working so hard on the machine translation. Are any other cats as literate as me yet so they can help?"