Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I don't super expect them to check your travel arrangements but you might want to just in case."
"It occurs to me," Felicity notes, "that it seems like this plan might rely on things staying mostly the same. Were you intending to publicly announce the existence of cat people anytime soon?"
"I have failed wholly to formulate a plan for that. I don't even know how mass media works here."
"Entirely fair! But I would expect operation rescue the rescues to get either a lot easier or a lot harder if we did, and both possibilities warrant some consideration."
"It wouldn't be out of character for Rome to get possessive of them one way or another such that taking them to Atriama might be escalatory in a way that already having taken them wouldn't be. I don't have any concrete guesses on details; it just seems like it could get messy."
"Gooood point. Perhaps we should parallelize more and only make announcements and demonstrations of cat personhood as necessary to convince individuals to part with cats. Can you communicate to Misto that she should tell all her Londinium pals to collect in... let's say the place where I met her, seems fine, so we can pick them up on the next trip down?"
"I can certainly try although I really haven't learned very much cat language. I suppose if you gave me a phrasing I could try and copy it phonetically?"
Cam records himself saying "any cats who don't want to be in Londinium when the humans find out some cats are people can congregate in the place where I met Misto to be brought to my city in a few hours".
Felicity sends the file off to her relevant other body while asking, "Is Ellie invited to Atriama?"
"Sure, why not. She can study the nonmagical electrical system I've got going in there."
"And work on designing conjuring-requiringly precise crystal arrays and getting the colder solquinoxes - that is, the falls and the winters - up to speed to be competent at same; I really do think that's going to be the most exciting avenue of technological progress for both our worlds."
Wag wag. "Very excited to get to the point where we can start developing care packages for Limbo."
"Ellie thinks with sufficiently complicated arrays we might be able to get portals."
A familiar motorcycle pulls into the lot. "So I realized on the way here that we never actually asked how to refuel this thing - "
"- you know what, I don't know why I assumed you have, like, petrol, gasoline - what do you normally put in cars here, now that I think of it I'm expecting something like tea tree oil."
"That is correct." He assigns adopters cats in a spreadsheet and passes out assignments.