Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I have a workable DNA sequence here; should three of me head out in a shuttle with baby basement dwellers?"
"They were born across last Druoary, so sevenish local months or I think about ten of yours? I should have successfully given them approximately your eyes," she says to Mrindeh, "and otherwise they're a mix of the three of them."
"So ten-month-olds and if I just make them off this DNA sample they'll look right?"
Mrindeh hugs herself and squees very softly and trots off so she won't be saddened by the appearance of the basement-babies if they don't successfully wake.
"I'll take your word on whether you expect thinking of it in your time system to work out better!" Two more Felicities run over.
"I think so, it'll calibrate how big I'm expecting them to be and stuff..." He makes a basement baby. And then two more of it when that one looks all right.
Felicity takes them. "It is somehow more unsettling when they're babies, isn't it. Could I have some carriers and supplies for once they wake up?"
"Sure -" Pacifiers, small stuffed animals, the baby bodies are already diapered and swaddled, triple stroller?
"Iiiiii will check. I can probably intercept one of the winters before they all become too distracted - there she is." Felicity rocks the babies for a moment despite their inability to appreciate it. "She says it's fine by bloodstream but not digestion, and you can just extrapolate the dosage from the whatsit she already gave you for body mass."
An additional Felicity strolls up during the calculations and once Cam's done the other three stroller away.
"I hope they make it in, though I confess I'm not sure how it'll even be communicated that they should try. I guess stars don't strictly limit themselves to language."
"I've been talking with them and I'm more hopeful than not. Incidentally in the medium term we'll need additional staff for interfacing with stars; I've been staying within safe dosages per body and can keep that up for a bit but I probably shouldn't, in the course of getting all of everyone's details sorted, be the test subject for how well embodied star clouds handle long-term omnilol overuse."
"And finding a test subject for that is probably less urgent than getting data entry adequately staffed - any volunteers?"
Cam makes a note of it in case a potential volunteer should appear in his radar before Felicity's.
He does, he has a computer notification for it that goes off now and then. Mail for Cam?
There's a letter signed by Andrea Tralle, Representative of Verona! There's a lot of fluff about welcoming him to this universe but the gist is that she'll make herself available for discussing the appeasement fund at his convenience. Her contact information is this phone number and this email and this address.
He does not have phone or internet service down here - he adds this to the to-do list - but will head topside to collect Cricket soon anyway, so, yes, she can also go on his to-do list. Is it morning yet. Days are so LONG here.
The sun is up over thataways; it's hard to tell from down here but it's prrrrobably after daybreak? If he asks a Felicity she confirms that it is, although still pretty early for a lot of people.
Well, it'll take some time to get topside anyway, he should get going. Are all the Felicities under the planet-top meaning to stay there?
"Probably for the best, don't you think. If any of the new resurrectees need objects am I clear to ask Mrindeh for those, or should I have another circle on hand just in case?"