Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I should check." Kiddo has not exhibited any style preferences so he gets green t-shirts and kiddo sized jeans. Socks. Boxer briefs. Velcro sneakers.
Before he shuts the door Cam remembers to supply him with standard issue toiletries; they appear on the counter.
"I'm good to try summoning your candidate right now if she's ready; if she wanted a baby specifically we can grab someone else once we've confirmed that summoning and dismissal work normally, assuming they do?"
"She did want a baby but I'm sure she can recommend me someone less picky if it works at all, yeah."
"Or differently picky. Though I suppose babies might be more appealing for those who don't have to sleep."
"That is my understanding, yeah. You're going to take up residence next door to here? I can put the summoning circle down there."
"If we find a suitable flatmate I might not strictly need to, but having an apartment might be useful for various purposes so I don't see why not."
"Yeah, it'll be slightly less crowded than the felicityper anyway." Next door. Circle. Marker for Felicity.
There appears a demon! She's as dark as Felicity, and clearly very excited to be here. "Hello!" she says. "I'm Mrindeh."
"Hi, nice to meet you! We do not have a baby handy yet, but can go get one pending the experiment working as expected."
"Ho, kiel mirinda. Do you think it matters what fraction of my attention I'm using to concentrate on the dismissal; I'm starting with what I would consider a regular amount for one person but if that doesn't work maybe we shouldn't yet start worrying . . ."
"Oh, good question, if it needs all your attention that'll be inconvenient for everyone. It should only take a minute if one person's worth cuts it though so definitely start there. Is there localization to your attention, if it might matter if it's this body or not?"
"I'm mostly just one person but if Mrindeh's still here in twenty-seven seconds then maybe I'll try mentally attaching it to something kinesthetic in this body before I interrupt the rest of me to concentrate?"
"It seems to me like 'rinse, repeat, enquire about a flatmate for Ethan, summon if applicable - or maybe have Ethan summon them? He seems like maybe he would find that comforting - and concurrently with that I look into the fastest way to find a baby to rescue' might be a better order of operations?"
The return of Mrindeh.
"We have an eight year old next door whose original parents were unsatisfactory. Want to meet him and see if he'd be a fit for any of your friends?"
"Oh sure!"
Ethan is pajama'd and no longer in his wheelchair, sitting on the floor in the hallway between apartments.
"This is Mrindeh! We're going to get her a baby but she knows people who would appreciate a kid your age. You wanna tell her about yourself? Note that everyone she knows socially also has awesome making stuff powers."