Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
Cam finds a cat video with plenty of meowing on his computer and plays it, trying to see if it makes sense now.
"Okay, apparently the cats where I'm from do not speak this language, if they talk at all."
"I mean, maybe it's just that this cat speaks a different language, I don't know, but I thought I'd check. You guys are organized in 'clans'?"
"Yes. I'm the deputy of ThunderClan, and there are also WindClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan. And StarClan."
The tom looks around at the burnt forest surrounding them.
"Lots of things. Or, try to."
"Poorly," he mews, somewhat mournfully. "We helped the kits and elders evacuate; I don't know how you'd go about fighting fire."
"Well, I'd do it with magic, but nonmagical twolegs use water sources, generally speaking, or other things that can smother fire."
"StarClan did send rain. I still don't know how living cats would do it. Squeezing out soaked balls of moss on the flames, if it were a very small one?"
"I see. Well. - Would you recognize the twolegs' language if you heard a sample of it?"