Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Probably it should go in the camp; I can't imagine Leopardfur - er, star - would object, since you already put that spring there."
"...we've met? He's not here right now? I'm not sure what the question is."
"I dunno, allied with? Working with? I heard he came to RiverClan with you. Unless there's more than one talking Twoleg Twolegging about."
"Just me. He was the first cat I met, and helped introduce me to folks."
"Couldn't have asked for a better cat for it. I would know, we were apprentices together."
"So, if this thing will let Clans talk to each other, and cats can make things on it that need a secret word to be seen again, is there something that's both?"
"There is, but I just encountered some worried rumbling about computers fomenting interclan conflict..."
"That's what I said, but I'm not a clan cat so I'm not sure my guess is any good, and secret messages seem like they might be disproportionately risky if this is going to come up at all."
"Well, there can only be intraClan conflict if the Clan knows about what there would be conflict over. Mostly."
"Tragic that mouse-brained anxieties don't come with mouse-level ability to act on them."
"I mean, I wish Leopardstar would have a little more faith in me and get off my tail some, but it's not like I want her to be, I don't know, made to do apprentice duties or something instead of being the leader. I just wish she'd stop worrying about the things that don't need worrying over."