Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Might be able to still catch me on - the other side - before this dose runs out, if you hurry."
"I will do my best."
Cam is off to the drugstore to make a purchase! And back to his camper to trip in it!
Unlike the previous times, several entities are queueing to speak with him as soon as he's up. Two living singlets, one cloud with maybe five or six people - he has a general sense of the size of the clouds but not with enough granularity to pin down an exact number - another with thirtyish, and one that's incomprehensibly large.
Wow, would it kill them again to form a line. Can he get them all in a... conference high.
(Apparently the expressions dose doesn't do literal faces, just an impression of mood that's controllable to about the same degree and an easier time of recognizing specific entities.)
Hi, nice to meet you! This is a bit more of a crowd than I was expecting for a logistics meeting; is this not one of those?
It transpired there was a line! Do any of you have a guess whose business is most urgent?
Hers, agrees the smallest non-singlet. Though Jesus can just give you his phone number and drop out, get in touch later.
Oh, Jesus is here! Hi Jesus! Do let's have the phone number and then I will talk to her.
He lists one! It doesn't have the same number or grouping of digits as those Cam is used to.
As long as it is reasonably short Cam can chunk it and return his attention to Miss Most Urgent. Hi there, I'm Cam.
Jesus exits the group high.
So I've heard! I'd like to apply for resurrection - or just surrection, possibly, given that I as an entity have never strictly speaking been alive, or desurrection, given that one can hardly rise higher than being stars in the first place - and also for the position of being your personal assistant. You're going to be very busy; it'd be helpful to have someone around without a life and existing commitments of their own and with extra attentional capacity and plenty of bodies to do things for you. Such as, for example, prioritizing all the people who want to talk to you every time you get high, the number of which is only going to increase as your fame does. And I think I in particular would be a good fit for the position based on my composition.
Gosh. Uh, I'm happy to - incarnate you - you're a cluster, do you have some reason to expect that to work well?
though be the summer's peak a curse
for those all who then born are living
they find in death a broader sight
and strive for outcomes more forgiving
though massive I, I see no light
which streams beyond this universe
...we'll circle back to that. Would-be PA, is the genome that Jordan took down correct? And you want a bunch of different colored sweaters for some reason?
At least close to correct but we should check it a few more times. The sweaters aren't a big deal; I just thought it was a cute idea.