Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Can I have a big dress? A poofy one? In blue?" asks Angel even though she's already picked out a pair of jeans and folded them over her arm.
"Pick an apartment or a few of 'em that still have the vacancy sign on the door and take off the sign!"
"Do any of them have ways to fly into them? - Can you teach us how to fly for real now, I really want to try, and I want to be able to fly around and then just glide onto a balcony and walk right inside to my home, wouldn't that be amazing?"
"Some of them have balconies but I don't know how much space you need for a takeoff or landing, your wings aren't exactly like my model! I'm a pretty busy guy but there's a big trampoline in one of the parks if you want to try taking off over it."
"There's a trampoline? What else is there? Do you have a, a swimming pool, or a roller rink, or - is there a race track? Or a real playground? Or a garden? Are there real restaurants?"
"I have not added a toy store but Mrindeh, over there, has the same powers as me, and can make you toys."
Angel sprints off to Mrindeh, flapping and occasionally gliding a few steps, and the rest of the flock follows at various speeds.
"She most likely will be delighted to! She's not busy since - oh, uh, please don't mention artificial wombs to her, I would like to deal with the fallout of other demons knowing that's a thing sometime not this week."
"Okay. Am I allowed to lie to her if I'm not manipulative enough to avoid her asking about it?"
"I wouldn't dream of forbidding you to lie to people in full generality even if I thought - perhaps especially if I thought it would work, but it will have a normal amount and kind of consequences for your rapport with Mrindeh if she discovers it."
"I'm not usually allowed to lie because it's bad for developing my conversational gracefulness. If this is more important than developing my conversational gracefulness then I could lie about it, but if Ms. Miranda is upset about it later then I will tell her you told me it was that important."
"Mrindeh," he corrects. "How about you just don't bring it up and say that sounds like an awfully personal question if for some reason she wants to know about your origins."