Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Oh, what was it you tried? I didn't even notice, I guess that points to something in the drugs department..."
"Great, I hate it when my patience goes unappreciated. What am I going to be looking at downstairs?"
"The main thing is a few genetically-modified children, ages six to fourteen, kept in varying, generally-improving conditions but not previously allowed to leave. With wings."
"I guess that would help. I will not murder you over having put some wings on some kids. Especially if you genetically engineered them and haven't been doing gruesome surgery."
"You didn't get them right on the first try and have been supplementing with gruesome surgery, haven't you."
"You know, people wouldn't have to ask you questions that make such aspersions on your character if your character were a bit better. I'd like to meet the kids."
"Will you consider us to have acted in poor character if other things which you disapprove of come to light later, or would you prefer to prioritize meeting them over digging into that?"
"I mean, I guess we can talk about it right now if you're very anxious about my exact character assessment."
"I'm not, particularly, unless you would feel deceived by us having failed to mention something."
"I guess if there turns out to be something really egregious that I would have expected to be obviously so even to you that would be bad."
"The gruesome surgeon does not work here of his own free will. We've also done - rather more - genetic experiments on non-human animals. It was my understanding from speaking with Ms. Tralle that your purpose here was to determine what should become illegal with regards to medical experimentation and research, and that you weren't intending to go off investigating instances of personal abuse. Given that, should I also include work we've done at other facilities, or work at other facilities which we know to have occurred but didn't participate in, or are you overall trusting us to handle this the same way as instances of personal abuse and are investigating here for other reasons."
"Please go ahead and tell me what the other facilities are up to. I'm not actually too fussed about the nonhuman animals provided they are not, specifically, British cats."
"...Britannian. Sorry. I am from another universe with similar but not identical geography."
"I would have to check the records but I don't see why we would have gotten any of those, then. At other facilities there's a lot of overlap between drug development and personal abuse; there's some creation of children who go against the natural order in various ways which I don't know whether to expect you to object to, given that their treatment is generally fine once they exist these days."
"I probably don't object to violating the natural order as long as it's not violating any children but can you give me a couple examples?"