Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
Yeah. Probably one of the things you can't remember. Like being non-binary, which is a thing where you feel like neither of the standard genders is quite right and you're some kind of both or neither or timeshare situation between them. Who do I talk to about your DNA?
. . . I think there's an awful lot of things I don't remember for having only missed under an hour. Am I supposed to know that? She didn't - take care of it? Was she supposed to?
Felicity, hello, this is - cloud, do you have a name - Jackie's successor. Some nudgecloud did DNA for them, can you track that down? Also Jackie recommended letting you explain to her folks, I'll text Nicholas to tell the authorities, biofam will congregate for the funeral and can be explained to then.
- Ian and Jordan aren't my folks. They're my family, and so is Princess, but it's not like an adoption thing. . . . And wasn't for Jackie either.
I do not actually speak Latin, I speak a mysteriously similar language in which 'folks' is usefully ambiguous on that topic.
I'm gonna... go down unless there's more to cover here.
Down he goes.
When he has a body again he's going to start... hm... yeah, crying, that seems like just the thing. Though he will also text Nicholas to the effect that he should go ahead and contact whoever you're supposed to tell when there's a body.
And he already told Felicity everything she needs to know and has no immediate tasks till whatever their name is wants a couple bodies, and -
Yeah, crying. On Cricket, who paws his face gently about this development.
There are a few Felicities outside enjoying the morning's weather but none of them knock to interrupt him.
Eventually he pulls himself together and exits the camper, Cricket in his arms. Glances at the nearest Felicity to see if there's anything to say.
Oh no. ". . . You wanted me to remind you that some dead cats wanted some folks checked on. If it's sufficiently later for that yet."
"Right. I'll send you my notes on that, give me a sec." He organizes them into something a step better than "note to self".
She's got twenty-eight lifetimes' experience at giving hugs and the sweaters he made her are very soft. Another of her swings by and the hugging one passes the notes off. "She'll be alright, you know. It was hasty but they'll figure it out."
"This is the first time anyone I have met has ever ceased to exist, and she did it in the middle of a sentence."
We don't really think of it that way here. Though I can see why you would . . ."
"It's better than people getting permanently annihilated, which is what I thought happened to dead folks till I was one, but then it turned out there was an afterlife, you see."