Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"It really does. She wants to talk to you; she's not telling me much of anything. Still a singlet, though."
"No. I know there's some in the house but now probably isn't the best time to try out upping your dose."
"Nicholas hasn't told them yet and I tentatively agree with this course of action given the givens."
"- whether I expect myself to be a competent enough actress! Yes, I think I can work with this well enough to not require riding to the camper with you."
"Oh good. Oh, also, remind me later, some dead cats want some folks checked on, but order of ops."
Off he motors.
You know surprisingly I actually have. He doesn't want to talk to you yet, though. But you only get to be aware of the crushing truth that you were born to - no, not born, created - purely to suffer - and that this entire universe is a joke - and -
. . . once. So I'm waiting a bit. I wanted this onscreened.
It's almost worse than being alive. But it's more - distant, without a body and hormones and whatnot, so it squeaks into second place.
I think you fucked up Nicholas a lil bit. Nobody else knows yet. They will probably also be a lil fucked up.
Not as bad as I was. . . . Or as they would have been, probably. I've been going to do this for over a year, apparently, so I don't know what could have happened if I'd stuck around.
Sure you were. Happy incremented birthdays, belatedly. Nothing very special happened visibly on them but that is when I offed myself, isn't that fun. What a great present for everyone involved.
Somehow this sort of thing is more charming when Nudge does it, though I guess that might just be because he didn't off himself half an hour ago.