Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"And they don't really match or interestingly not match. But mostly I was just trying to lighten the mood, to be honest."
"They claim not to have names. Or, well, the one I assume is called Gabby claims this."
"Yes I do that. I can be so loud. Do you want to hear it?"
"No. My voice will be different when I gr - "
"I wasn't ASKING YOU."
"Oh, I believe you, I don't think further demonstration will be necessary," Cam tells Gabby. "Do you want a different name?" he asks Tenor.
". . . It should mean something interesting and nice, and sound nice too. In both catspeak and Englatin."
"I don't know. Maybe I should keep looking at the pictures until I know a lot more words."
"Well, let me know when you're ready to brainstorm." Back to Englatin. "You were saying, Ivy?"
"Uhhhhhh, about . . . ? - Oh, that it might be smart to just wait till the shifts are switched, especially since the kittens seem to be doing okay here, but depending on how well Ian can act like a normal person trying to adopt a cat that might not be necessary."