Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Noooo, I mean the ones because you can't tell the five of us apart! Or also the Cricketous ones at some later point, but - later."
"There are lots of reports, mostly old ones, of star clouds temporarily taking over people's bodies; they probably never happened but we were working on it. Your way is better."
"They're called angels but I assume the appearance of that word in the pamphlet is a strange language coincidence? They don't sound at all like the same thing."
"Yeah, nah, our kind of angels take their name from a mythological supernatural messenger being sometimes depicted as looking similar. Folks with feathered wings."
"Sometimes they were said to look surhuman in various ways but those claims mostly died out with the rise of cameras."
"Of omnilol, which would let star clouds possess living people. And above-human, more than human."
"My dialect says 'superhuman' or 'transhuman'. - are your last names also weirdly similar?"
"I could just call you all by your last names, if you want to wear nametags for a bit." He passes out nametags.
"Not very fun, but practical." All of them are left-handed; a few of them write the letters in the opposite order even though the end product is still in the usual orientation.