Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I can still explain what it does chemically. Though doing so may be easier with a chalkboard, textbook, or some other visual aid."
Then the orange S-person can explain sleepy chemicals to Cam! They're off from spherical-Earth biology in the same wacky direction as everything else, but nothing that should stand in the way of achieving this particular result. Except maybe the concern Felicity mentioned, which they don't really have a way to test except on actual resurrectees.
(The blue one is NOT volunteering to be an actual resurrectee. She is very obviously exerting effort to not do that.)
There's one on the spreadsheet, yeah. Or at least someone with this birthday.
Convenient. By the time they touch down in Atriama they can probably have a test protocol worked up for how to conjure the new body.
"Not by much, especially not if we're counting in terms of my time and not total shuttle airtime since I can send for resurrection batches automatically."
"Ah, I wasn't sure of the speed comparison between driven and unmanned shuttles. - Oh, or the fact that we could mix that one in with a regular batch instead of having to give them one to themself, assuming - probably safely? - that at least fourteen other people won't want help sleeping."
"Uh, I have a cat but he hasn't wanted to come so far. I haven't asked any others, I should maybe do that."
"If we work out some practicalities I could go clear out relevant shelters once there's daylight on the surface."
"Yeah, that sounds good, I couldn't take all the talking cats out of the shelter where I got Cricket but the situation has changed. Not all the cats in there talked though, how will you tell?"
"I guess I could make you a recording or ask Cricket to go with you. - or possibly Princess, since Cricket is kind of an asshole. You'd need a way to wake up the sleeping ones."
"If Cricket wouldn't want to help with this be it far from me to ask that of him, and I'd be excited to meet Princess from what Jordan said about her. Plausibly the paperwork on all of them will take long enough long enough that each cat will be awake for some of it? . . . If they'll even let me walk out with however many cats; I'm not sure that they will."
"Oh, Cricket might well volunteer to help, he'd just be an asshole throughout. - you know what, I think I got the shelter person's number -" He conjures that up.
Here is a number the same length as Nicholas's, scrawled on the shelter's business card (which has one two digits longer). "I'd hope to be resilient enough to remain unaffected but if you think it would cause the other cats a problem then I'll take you at your word."