Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
A yet-newer invitee with a gravity-defying hairstyle passes them on her exit from the hallway. ". . . Hello there."
"Don't call it kidnapping," interrupts the other woman and one of the boys from down the corridor.
"Yes, but zz names are more common than ss ones in places that don't speak Latin."
"Huh, interesting. I don't think S is an uncommon sound crosslinguistically but I don't speak most local languages."
"I think it's something like three-eighths of us globally. Assuming you include the ones which don't directly start with the relevant sound; it might be different for strict initials."
"Okay, well, if you might be it you can start loading your stuff on the shuttle at your leisure, I suppose."
The Felicity still in the room with Cam giggles when they reach the shuttle. "I guess the 'multibodied assistant' part hadn't made its way to them."
" - Now they're discussing whether the two or the five of them and possibly some other people should merge up now that resurrection is possible; how do you want me to respond to that."
"Did I hear resurrection is possible?" calls either Simon or Silas, looking significantly more wakeful as he sock-slides to the lounge.
"It's not like I want to die just for fun! - Unless there are other - not that I would, now that you've asked - "