Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"I have no specific objection to you moving into the city of Atriama when it's up but give it like. A week. Okay?"
"Sorry, I just expect to be kind of busy moving in the various stars and dealing with a bunch of things that become obvious issues needing patched only in retrospect and stuff."
"I could help. Do you need someone fresh to test anything about it on? I could die for real if you did."
"Okay." He pulls out a tiny notebook, wider than it is tall, and jots something down in it. "Did you really mean a week or did you mean 'no but I don't feel like dealing with telling you no right now.'"
"A week is a very, very made up figure but, once things that I cannot put off till later with respect to creating a new city for stars to live in calm down, assuming, as may be very much erroneous, that no other crises then demand my attention, I will figure out letting more people move in, such as you."
"Thank you for your understanding." Cam resumes chalking the ground to mark where things might tentatively go. He needs a way to either water-cycle everything internally or drain stuff off the edge, does Felicity have an opinion on that.
"Either seems fine. Separately from the waste disposal an infinite waterfall would look gorgeous if implementing it were convenient."
"I think I'll recirculate, it'll hold up better if I am called away or there wind up being a ton of these. An infinite waterfall I can just turn off if the situation calls for it though..." He designs a river to go through the city and pour off prettily.
"Ooh. Is there a grate or something to make sure people who fall in don't fall out?"
"Yeah, and I'm keeping it pretty shallowly graded so it won't flow fast enough to thonk somebody into the grate at high speed."
"That's good. Although at least that way we would find them quickly instead of waiting for them to die of dehydration or I suppose probably starvation if they had infinite waterfall water handy."
"I assume someone who falls into a slow river will either drown, or not drown and thus be spotted sooner or later, and not have time to starve."
"I think I remember that a dummy with lots of sensors on it took about five hours to fall the distance of one diameter."