Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
No, and bringing it up with her will make her awfully anxious. Although so does nearly everything else, so, y'know, not a huge strike against it if you had a reason.
Is she actually an especially good crystals consultant? I did not find her by a mechanism that would select for that.
She's taking a competence hit from the context change and being scared of you but yes. Less so at healing stuff than everything else, but there's no shortage of crystal healers and she's still better than a lot of licensed people.
How convenient. Fortunately the Limboites won't need healing. Do you have psychic personnel recommendations beyond her, she might get awfully busy.
See, it's kind of tough because the only people who're going to be really good at theoretical non-biological crystal work are former and current slaves, and the oddest eight birthdays are legally guaranteed freedom. And I don't see most even people as well.
I could probably use personnel in other capacities too, and could manumit more slaves once I have funds.
Lapis-sweatered Felicity opens the door, hands Cam a copy of the poem, and nods a greeting to him and Cricket.
"Thank you! I'm thinking I should maybe mull this over on the back burner while I take Cricket to the zoo, can you tell Ellie the Ellie-relevant stuff?"
"Sure! She and that one of me are asleep, but in the morning. Was there anything besides the assistive devices; Nudge suggested I stop listening after those were mentioned for some manner of cat privacy reasons."
"Oh, I didn't realize you were no longer attending. I also want to plan a shipment of magic crystals for Limbo, on the possibility that daeva can come and go from here normally, which I'm not sure if they can; also, for testing that, I would like to summon somebody who wants to adopt a kid and is comfortable staying here indefinitely, can you look into the availability of adoptable kids, especially babies? Ideally ones who will stay adoptable under conditions of broadly available resurrection for whatever reason."
"Certainly. What sort of things are you imagining the crystals being for; power generation such that we should just wait on designing the long-term batteries and send lots of those fully formed, or a wider range? Do you think people from your world will care about how even or odd the babies are?"
"Potentially a wide range, I'm not actually sure what-all crystals can do besides secrete oils that themselves do things and generate power. The next concordance with Limbo isn't for a couple years, so it's not an emergency, just something to be brainstorming on the back burner. I have no strong predictions about how much people will care about the oddness of their babies, even ones are a safer bet but I bet with enough looking I could find a daeva parent for just about any baby."
"Noted. Also, when you were talking about your greatest capability Nudge said to me in backchannel - ahem - 'Oh come on he's not even sad; he does a really good sad you know; you don't have to worry because he does an even better shitposting but that's really saying something,' end quote. I don't know if that sheds any light on what that part of the poem meant."
"...I have no idea what that's getting at. What does 'doing a really good sad' even mean?"
"I don't know! I got the impression if he could elaborate further he would have said it to you directly. - Are you at all an actor? It sounds a little like something one might say about an actor . . ."