Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Plausibly nearly point four percent of people are about to start calling you that unless you prefer that we don't strongly enough that something else instead happens."
"Certainly. Or, if you wanted the entire norm changed or yourself exempted from it I expect both of those to be within your power."
"I don't want to go around changing people's norms just because people call me Cam normally."
"I try! Besides, I hear I might want to save my social capital for causing miscellaneous atrocities to wind down."
"You might. I offer another half a silver in exchange for for a brief description of your morals with particular attention paid to any striking differences you've encountered between yours and those of a typical local."
"I am against slavery. I favor universal sapient flourishing and as of recently this includes talking cats."
"I wonder how many staunch abolitionists will hold less-becoming opinions on the subject of pethood."
"Some cats seem to like being pets! Princess seems accustomed. I don't want to abolish pethood, just make it voluntary if the cat's a talking one."
"The fact that the distinction between slavery and work should perhaps be generalized to involuntary pethood and - multi-species housemates, is precisely what I expect some people to have trouble with."
"Well, there aren't that many talking cats, so it seems possible that I will be able to handle all those situations individually or delegate doing so, whereas slavery is a much bigger problem."
"I count myself very fortunate that I can't personally recall treating any cats poorly in ways which I regret in light of new information."
"Yeah, some kitten-drowners are going to be, best case scenario, very upset about their past behavior soon enough."
"Are you going to pay me for cat afterlife information, that being the kind of conversation we seem to be having?"
"If I've not earned enough goodwill to be trusted with the knowledge of whether my family member will someday have her soul annihilated then I suppose I shall wait for any of the people who don't pay for information piecewise to tell me."
"You're welcome. I would be moving much more urgently if I thought otherwise, for what it's worth."
"Does you credit. What are your opinions on the moral valence of lawbreaking, mercy killing, eugeminics, homosexuality, and genetic tampering."
"Depends on the laws, tentatively fine if it's the best option, I don't actually know that word but suspect based on etymology it's broadly okay, pro, tentatively pro."