Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"Not for them either, I think? I'm slightly unclear about what specifically counts as a fossil and also on what we might have, though, with the amount of checking I've done so far."
"Like bones and stuff that get mineralized after hanging out in minerals for long enough."
"There are at least some old remains of some kind on this planet. I'll get back to you once I find out more? Or you could do forensics about it if you have a better idea of what you're looking for; that might be easier."
"Well, apparently you did not have the dinosaurs we had. I wonder if the creation situation was copying off my world - or some other world - like, evolution is important, I realize you have some biological differences under the hood but you and mice are still both, like, mammals, right, and that is meaningful for evolutionary reasons."
"We at least call both ourselves and mice mammals although I'm checking to see whether that means all the things you think it does. And we definitely have enough evolution that a substantial portion of star power goes to swatting new species of parasites out of existence; that's most of what I did before this."
"Huh. Any other interesting discrepancies I should maybe read up on for general orientating myself?"
"Hm . . . genetics? It seems like none of the babies from your world are born soulless - as basement dwellers, approximately - because their birthday was too far off from what it should have been based on their conception?"
"A month - or, half a season - in either direction; I recall Nudge mentioned that our genes are made of quadruple helixes and not double? They correspond seasonally, centered a year out from the conception date, and anything too far off from that isn't stable to attach the other three quarters of soul shapes to. I just barely fit, myself, since I have September 01 and October 01 and October 40; one day farther apart and I don't think it would have worked. Yet. Nudge said it should be possible to engineer something broader; we might want to hire some winter solqs to work on that eventually."
"I don't think so although as far as I know no one's looked at the sapient cats' yet!"
"Maybe I will have to do that! But first I wanna read a good history of the discovery of genetics - if it was discovered and not just, like, divinely revealed?"
"Then I don't think I can recommend anything better than rummaging except by doing some of my own."
In his rummaging, Cam first learns:
- Heredity has been known to be a thing for a long time, although it does seem to be somewhat less of one for humans than on his Earth, what with all the attractors for the various birthdays.
- Genetics specifically was discovered by living humans a century or two ago.
- DNA apparently stands for 'Difference Notation for being Alive', here.
- The basic building blocks for creating a member of a local species are all mostly the same and DNA just refers to the things that can vary between individuals.
- There are physically separate strands for species (SSNA, 'Species Similarities Notation for being Alive') and for being a living biological being at all (FNA, 'Fundamental' et cetera).
- Mules and ligers still exist.
Wow, that's weird as fuck. Do they have sex chromosomes? Trisomies? Mutations? What individual genes in which of the NAs are known to do what things?